Who are the club packs aimed at?
The FREE resource packs are aimed at two different groups, the first is aimed at students ages between 7-11yrs with an interest in learning Python. The second pack is aimed at students 12yrs and up, including adults. This moves at a much faster pace and also introduces students to setting up an environment on their own computer.
Both packs are a condensed learning pathway using our game Rapid Router alongside suggested session plan and slides.
Primary coding club
Download your FREE coding club pack for students aged 7-11. This pack introduces students to the first principles of Python at a faster pace than the regular lesson plans. It is aimed at students already interested in learning coding and can be used in clubs, at home or in school, on or offline.
View the resources online here.

Python coding club
Download your FREE coding club pack for students aged 12 and above. This pack is a fast-paced introduction to Python. It is aimed at students already interested in learning coding, individuals looking to learn and run their own club, or adults wanting to try coding out. It is designed to be used in face-to-face or online clubs.
View the resources online here.